Great to have you here!

Our Shop Analyzer feature will allow you to view your competitors' sales data on Etsy, including sales revenue, tags, and other valuable insights that can help you form effective business strategies.

Why is it important to track your competitors?

Knowing your competitors' actions can give you an edge in the market.
Our Shop Analyzer can help you identify gaps in the market that your business can fill. This data can also help you adjust your pricing, select your niche, and develop marketing strategies.

For example, if you see that your competitors are using certain tags that you aren't, you can use those tags as inspirations for your listings to increase your visibility.

For instance, you can use the data from our Shop Analyzer to identify underpriced items in your competitor's shop and use this information to offer your version of the product at a competitive price while making some profit.

How to use the Shop Analyzer feature?

We have updated our system, and now you can access this feature separately from the Products Analytics feature.

You can use our Shop Analyzer feature on your EverBee Web App or from our EverBee Chrome Extension (the Etsy search page):

If you need further help, feel free to contact us at hello@everbee.io