Hello there,

If you are facing issues with seeing and accessing your EverBee extension (on your Etsy page), this can help you fix it.

Checking the image below... 
You will see the following:

  • Our sidebar on your Etsy page
  • EverBee's logo is on your Chrome extension drop-down menu
  • EverBee extension will be set as "On"
    (You can check this on your Chrome's manage extension page)

    If you see this on your end, it means that you've successfully installed your EverBee extension—our sidebar menu floats (in and out) by hovering your mouse over it.

    Note: You must be logged in to your Chrome account using the same email address as your EverBee account.

    Also, log in to your EverBee account (you can double-check on your screen, footer left side)

    If you don't see EverBee on your Etsy page, it is very possible that you haven't installed our extension yet. You can use this link to download and install the EverBee extension.

    If you need further help, feel free to contact us through hello@everbee.io. 😊

    Related Articles: 
    - How to use EverBee in Incognito Mode