EverBee is not working - No rows
If you see a "Spinning" issue in EverBee or you don't get results, this guide will help you solve the issue. It's important to use EverBee in a Chrome Browser for a better experience. In case you don't have a Chrome Browser, you can download it he...
EverBee is not showing up on my Etsy page
What to do?
Error message when trying to upgrade
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Sometimes, our payment processor is not compatible with certain browsers such as Brave or Firefox; but luckily we have a solution! Click on the link below and upgrade now to continue exp...
I can't see the extension bar on my Etsy shop
Hi there! Here are some quick steps to follow in case you can't see our extension bar. - Open this link and check if the extension was added. In case you are using EverBee in incognito mode, you can check out our video, and allow the use of Ever...
I can't connect my Shop...
Facing issues while try to connect your Etsy Shop
Connect Your Additional Etsy Shop to EverBee
How to Connect Your Second Etsy Shop to EverBee EverBee allows you to manage multiple Etsy shops. This guide will walk you through the process of connecting your second Etsy shop to your existing EverBee account. Steps: 1. Log in to your EverBee ...
How to disconnect my Etsy Shop
Follow these steps to disconnect your Etsy Shop to your EverBee account
How can I turn off EverBee?
Do you want to turn off EverBee but not remove it from your extensions? You can do it, by following these steps - You can open your Chrome extension drop-down menu and click on EverBee . - EverBee will be set as "On", once you click on our logo,...
How to use EverBee in Incognito Mode
You can follow these quick steps to use EverBee in Incognito Mode. - Open your Chrome Browser. - On your Browser toolbar, click Settings. - Tap on Extensions - You will see the EverBee extension, click on Details - Then enable incognito Mode....