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Keyword Competition: What is that...?
It is the number of competing listings for the keyword.

So, it’s very important to understand the level of competition for specific keywords to accurately assess how much effort you should put into optimizing Your Shop for those keywords.

Keywords are words or phrases customers type into a search engine when looking for something specific. For example, if someone wants to buy an infinity scarf, they might search for “infinity scarf” or “cotton infinity scarf.”

Knowing which keywords potential customers might be using will help you optimize your store for those terms, which increases the chance that people will find your products in searches. That's why it's so important to understand which keywords are relevant to what you're selling and include them in the titles and descriptions of your listings.

High-competition keywords require more effort because more shops are competing for those same keywords. In comparison, Low-competition keywords can be targeted with less effort because there is less competition from other shops.

Here is another example:

If you type “handmade jewellery” in the search bar (on the Etsy page), you may notice that there are thousands of listings with this exact phrase in their titles or tags. This means that it would be more challenging to rate for “handmade jewellery” than if you used a less competitive phrase such as “custom jewellery design” or “unique gemstone necklaces”.

Knowing what keyword competition is and how it affects sales can help you craft unique titles and tags that will ensure your Shop stands out from the crowd, leading to more traffic and potentially more sales!

Put some time into researching competitive keywords so you can use them strategically. This could be key to increasing visibility for both yourself and other Etsy sellers!

If you need further help, feel free to contact us at hello@everbee.io. 😊

Good luck!

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